Fish Crazy
We caught a large mouth bass in a creek around here, and he's just a baby- around 1.5 inches. He won't eat ANYthing besides other fish. I'd like to be able to keep other fish with him, so I've been trying to get him to eat something besides his tankmates. I've tried flakes, freeze dried shrimp, freeze dried bloodworms, that gel waterfleas stuff, small cichlid food, tubifex worms, goldfish pellets, whole mealworms, chopped up mealworms, earthworms, pillbugs, EVERYthing. Does anyone else have any good ideas on anything I could try? He's got a pretty big mouth, so it doesnt necessarily have to be something small. I need something that floats, and preferably moves... because it seems that if it doesn't move, he's not interested. And once it sinks, well, you might as well forget it.