Large External Filter


Aug 13, 2005
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London (UK)
I'm looking to replace by two eheim 2026 (950l/hr each) with a single external filter. I'm not looking to go the sump route because I have a planted tank and need to link my CO2 loss.

Any ideas ?? Dont mind spending a fair amount of money.
Eheim 2080 is the largest exturnal I know of on the market :good: Retails about £250 online deliverd, has a 25l media capasity and shifts 1700lph to a head hight over 2m. Sound like what you are looking for, or is it a little overkill? :shifty:

All the best
Eheim 2080 is the largest exturnal I know of on the market :good: Retails about £250 online deliverd, has a 25l media capasity and shifts 1700lph to a head hight over 2m. Sound like what you are looking for, or is it a little overkill? :shifty:

All the best

2080 only has 13 liters of media

2078 has 8 liters

if its a planted tank go for the 2078 as that will have the same flow rate as you have now 1850 lph and you have the option to reduce it
Thanks for all your help. Looking at 2078 or may be 2076 depening on the price I can get them for.
Thanks for all your help. Looking at 2078 or may be 2076 depening on the price I can get them for.

i run 2 x 2080s and 2 x 2078s on my tank they are both great filters

the 2078 has loads of stuff on it i just dont use i have been running the 2078s for 6-7 months now and only cleaned the white filter pad once and even then the maintance light wasnt no

for long time cleaning you cant beat the eheims

eheim 2080 white filter pads every 6 months
eheim 2078 i clean the white filter pads every 4-5 months

and my tank is packed with big messy fish they both work real well
Thanks T1KARMANN been on this forum for a while now so I know your stock (v.nice). Does any one know if the 2078 is nosiy ? I was just about to order one then saw some one said it was noisy. ??
No Eheim is noisy. That is one thing that you can garrentee before purchase. Most Eheim users have to place their hands in front of the outlet to confirm that the filter is running :good:

All the best
The 2078 has a seperate transformer but its not noisy

if you put it in a very small cab like in the thread you read were the filter touches the side of the cab then you will get some noise

plenty of cab space no noise mine are up the side of my cab no noise
Thanks all. I'll be placing my order tonight. Just need to tranfser my fish 10miles to there new home now......
totally agree , my 2078 is silent. i got mine from biorb aquariums if thats any use next day delivery, good service, reccomended.!!

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