i actually bought 1 more yesterday so i now have 7. these are awesome fish but i really like them in with my cardinals in my planted tank it really does look great. they are the best shoaling fish ive had even better than most tetras and would give rummynoses a run for their money. ive been looking at dithers just in case i need a few to bring the best out of the bigger fish but if i need them i want them to be as small as i can get away with really so they dont take the greatness away from the cichlids etc.
my first thought on this tank was to plant it out and get a big group of denisonii barbs with lots of colourfull tetras but as its in the garage it wouldnt be seen by many people so i decided to just go for this 'wetpet' kind of set up or a 'me' tank.
if i do need dithers or decide the tank would be better with them then would a speies of rainbows work? or maybe congo tetras? i really like silverdollars but due to their max size i feel the tank would look over full when all the fish get to the potential sizes....
my first thought on this tank was to plant it out and get a big group of denisonii barbs with lots of colourfull tetras but as its in the garage it wouldnt be seen by many people so i decided to just go for this 'wetpet' kind of set up or a 'me' tank.
if i do need dithers or decide the tank would be better with them then would a speies of rainbows work? or maybe congo tetras? i really like silverdollars but due to their max size i feel the tank would look over full when all the fish get to the potential sizes....