Lamprologus ocellatus


New Member
Aug 31, 2021
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I’m starting a 40 gallon breeder with shell dwellers. I really like the black ocellatus and was wondering if starting off with six will be feasible. Do they colonize similar to the multis and similis?
Hey :)
40 gal. seems ok to me but not below : it is a territorial fish that will defend its shell and the small territory around it vehemently.
Their favourite shell is Neothauma's.
Needs pH 8-8.5 - GH 16-20 - KH 8-15
Thanks for the replies! I’m leaning towards going with multis since this is my first attempt and although not the most colorful the easiest to care for. Our water here is high in ph and very hard so I’ve got that going for me.
NeoLamprologus multifasciatus is beautiful too.
Its fav shell is Neothauma tanganiycense also.
Same parameters.
If I remember well, no Chironomus plumosus aka Tipula annularis aka earthworm as they tend to poison fish living in hard and alkaline water like Tangafish.
You should prefer feed them with small crustaceans, insects, larvas, plankton of lake.

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