Ladies In Red


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
LoNg BeAcH, CaLi
just want to share some of my parrots

my bp
with flash

without flash

my mammon
without flash

with flash

my kkp

Enjoy.. comments - / + welcome

vanz aka paintsn
Thanks for the comments.. yes the last one Ms. Piggy is a kkp.. all the Ladies are proven fertile :good:
whats a kok ? lol tht never sounds right, but isee it on flower horn websites and demspeys n stuff, but what the hell does it mean? anyone wanne help a clueless individual lol
yup its a lump on the head
my friends flowerhorn has a kok about the size of like a hand ball :hyper:
freakin awesome fish
anyone have a flowerhorn on this forum???
im guessing theyre all at another forum :lol:
I've got a little juvie flowerhorn, he's kokless though :lol:

EDIT: typo
my frontosa is getting one hell of a kok! one for the ladies im guessin :hey:
my sajica has a decent sized one too!
btw i know this is a bit off topic, but...
i have a jewel hemi-cross male with a kok.... is that meant to happen???
Can anyone tell me what kind of fish kubora666 has as his sig? THanks..
I'm new to fish. :blush:
I've got a little juvie flowerhorn, he's kokless though :lol:

if you want a fh with a big kok you should be able to see something when it is young
ones with big koks usually sell for 100+usd
my friend got his for 235 usd its a kamfa to be exact (literally means golden flower in chinese)

my gourami also has a kok :lol:
so it means hes a male :D
well first of all it is pronounced COKE.. it's the real thing and not Pepsi..hahha. gotta add that in.. so no not cock.... :lol: its COKE!!! so dont ember-ass the girls..

well the word kok came form the chinese dialect that sounded like coke meaning rolling hills.. sorry but im not chinese.. just like Kamfa.. its actually Chinese sounding CHAM Pa.. Man where are the Chinese speakers at??? they will definetly know how to explain this.. but i guess I'll try

most that Iv'e learn about the names and it origins came mostly from chinese/ mandarin dialect..

for instance ZZ ( Zhen Zhu) meaning pearls.. and Malau meaning monkey.. so champa is Golden which is for Golden Flower and which stands for Kamfas and so then a CHAMPA MALAU is a GOLDEN MONKEY.. which in term in English is Kamalau..hehehe.. and no a Golden Flowernorn is not a Golden Flower.. for a Golden Flowerhorn could be a strain form a JK ( Jing Kang or JG) which is not a Kamfa strain at all.. and a ZZ could also be a Golden Flowerhorn for it would be a Golden Based ZZ.. so it is not a Golden Flower = Kamfas... which are my favorite Breed.. they are well known for their HUMONGUS KOK..hahhaha :S

very confusing isnt it .. just like work.. when you first start off any jobs.. when first hired, everything seemed akward.. but when you know your stuff its like second nature.. :good:

well i do have a Flowerhorn site and others Aquatic life Forum there too.. its on my signature.. its barely a month old.. Im still a NOOBIE as anyone else.. for there is so much too learn and always new breeds and evolution coming through

vanz aka Paintsn
i didnt understand a dam thing you just said but ok........
its not "champa"
kamfa is a direct meaning
i should know i am chinese, i wouldnt be sure about the mandirin terms which would be pronounced different but still means the same thing

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