Lack Of Marine .... Photos

Getting a decent photo of my blue tang was nearly impossible.  Well me getting a decent photo of anything is pretty well impossible.  Here's one of my Yellow Tang and part of my new Blue Legged Hermit.  So sorry about the algae, I know its unsightly, I'm working on it. 


I'll post a few more picture is on my journel thread.
As I said earlier in the thread, I don't have my tank up and running yet, but I will show a progress shot.

I siliconed the weir in yesterday, and today I acquired some blue paint and my blue acrylic arrived, so I've spruced up the tank this afternoon. Needs another coat of paint, but it should look good when it's done. It's been an eyesore in my room for some weeks now, so it's a big improvement.

My plan is to leave it until the end of Thursday, then on Friday I'm going to fill it up with tapwater and leave it over the weekend, just so I can establish that my weir is watertight. I'm looking out for a local bargain on live rock at the moment too.
I have a 55g saltwater with a yellow tang, six line wrasse, clown fish, a green chromis and a lawnmower blenny. I like it a lot but I have major problems with algae that I am trying to fix so it looks like a tank of rust covered rocks. I am doing battle against it but I feel like I am losing. I am currently trying this algaecide stuff that is safe for all inverts. Frankly, I like FW better. I think they are prettier. But here is a pick of the leather coral that I love.
I like it a lot but I have major problems with algae that I am trying to fix so it looks like a tank of rust covered rocks. I am doing battle against it but I feel like I am losing. I am currently trying this algaecide stuff that is safe for all inverts.
Marine algae problems have to be fixed by addressing the problem at the nutrient level and by modifying flow in the tank. It takes time and a lot of patience once something like GHA or cyano gets established, but the slow solutions are the more stable ones even though the tank can look ugly for a 2-3 months while the problem is sorted out. With something fast like an alagecide, you risk solving the aesthetic issue and suddenly having a lot of waste in the water that creates an unhealthy environment for the animals. 

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