Lack Of Flow/co2 Issues

techen said:
Cause my CO2 reg is leaking XD
oh no. You aint even used it yet have ya? You sending it back?
Will work something out. It was 2nd hand.
Oh I see. Get a new one. I know they aint cheap but its pretty much the most Important part of the kit:)
Well yea, I will be. Funds are short though.
If your doing these WC's while lights on or before lights on that's the fluctuation, tap water has loads of CO2 dissolved in it.
Am way too lazy to do waterchanges at lights off and just no time for it too.
Bah, Will that change once I inject CO2 with LEDs?
Ps3Steveo said:
If your doing these WC's while lights on or before lights on that's the fluctuation, tap water has loads of CO2 dissolved in it.
I tried to tell him lol
Hush you Slim. >:C I'll come into your house and steal your fish tank :p
Ahahahaha best bring afew people lol
SLIM said:
Ahahahaha best bring afew people lol
If I can have his plants I'm in!
No it wont mate, it will make it worse with stronger lighting if you do them while lights on or before lights on, you need to do it after lights out or at least 2-3 hours before lights on.
Oh no Techen. What you gonna do? Your too lazy for that lol ah you might as well strip your tank down n sell everything. Il take your tank. Il give ya a fiver for it XD

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