Good Morning All,
We have 3 fish that we belive are actually pregnant. The female sword is a pretty red girl and she is one of the largest swordfish I have ever seen. She is moving around fine when she wants to move. Most of the time she will sit there and fan one area like she is a wild fish spawning on a bed.
Last night all three were acting the same way sitting and fanning and after about 2 hours of watching we were rewarded with getting to see 3 little fry swimming and hiding in the rocks and plants we have set up.
Not sure what they are but there are 2 larger ones that we have noticed and 1 smaller so I think that maybe they are a couple of swords and one platy.
My only question is how long do they take to give birth. From all that I have read I have never seen how long it can take. I thought maybe they would be done this morning but they all are back fanning so I am not sure. All the times before they did their birthing in the tank and we always found out after the fact but now we have a maternity tank and we get to watch them alot closer so we are learning alot about their behavour.
Any info that can be passed along will be greatly appreciated