Labidochromis Pearlmut


Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2004
Reaction score
Arizona USA
I saw a couple of these at the LFS yesterday and was curious about them. I can;t find any information though. Any information would be nice.
As far as diet and care is concerned these are like any other Labidochromis mbuna. They breed readily, are not as fussy with diet as most mbuna. My own experience is that they are more aggressive then Lab. Caeruleus, but this is certainly not always the case. Males are certainly more aggressive toward females, and less tolerent of other males, then Caeruleus usually is.
I have perlmutts and they are beautiful fish. What the cichlid addict said is true, the males can be quite aggressive. They are beautiful fish. YOu really do need to keep them in breeding groups, else the male is too hard on her. They're almost always getting into trouble, at least our male does.

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