L50 Or Not Something Else?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2006
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I bought this Pleco today, it was tagged as a "Pineapple Pleco", probably L50 but the label was cut off just after the 5 so I can't be sure. the guy at the LFS who seemed to know his stuff said it was an omnivore and liked to munch on bog wood, after getting him home and doing a spot of checking on Planet Catfish I'm no longer sure, it's definitly not a Pineapple Pleco but could possibly be an L50 or possibly not :S

I'm beginning to think he may not be an L50 Hypostomus cf. cochliodon link (approx 7.1inches) but might instead be a Hypostomus plecostomus link (approx 11.8 inches).

He's currently about 3 inches long, the LFS guy said he'd be roughly double that size (6inches?) when fully grown. I guess my main concern is how big will he get (affects my future tank plans) and are his needs different to those for an L50.

He's currently in a 10usg quarantine tank and seems to have happily attached himself to a piece of bog wood, I will be moving him into a 55usg community tank in a couple of weeks.

Any help and advice much appreciated

Here are some pics...




IMO, thats not a L50 but probably, more than likely a, is a Hypostomus plecostomus, which can grow up to 12"+

How much did you pay for it? if you only paid a little for it then it probably a Hypostomus plecostomus, if you paid over £8 then I would say it was something else. But the LFS may have mistaken it and over priced it, so I may be just tlaking rubbish, :lol:
IMO, thats not a L50 but probably, more than likely a, is a Hypostomus plecostomus, which can grow up to 12"+

How much did you pay for it? if you only paid a little for it then it probably a Hypostomus plecostomus, if you paid over £8 then I would say it was something else. But the LFS may have mistaken it and over priced it, so I may be just tlaking rubbish, :lol:

Thanks Studz,

I paid £17, if it is a Hypostomus plecostomus then I guess I got a very bad deal :(
IMO, thats not a L50 but probably, more than likely a, is a Hypostomus plecostomus, which can grow up to 12"+
No Chance. I'm not sure what it is - when I have some time I will look around. But it's most certainly not a Common Plec. I'm 110% certain of that.

Beautiful fish btw :good:
IMO, thats not a L50 but probably, more than likely a, is a Hypostomus plecostomus, which can grow up to 12"+
No Chance. I'm not sure what it is - when I have some time I will look around. But it's most certainly not a Common Plec. I'm 110% certain of that.

Beautiful fish btw :good:

Hooray, thanks to the very helpfull people on a certain pleco-centric forum I can now confidently proclaim him to be an L147

He was stressed out in the pics due to transportation which explains the colouration difference.

Thanks all.

coolio - glad you got sorted over there ! I had a feeling you might need some specialist knowledge and see you got some positive identification ;)
bugger - too late... saw him and said L147 straight away.... :)

Seem to be quite a few of these appearing in the market at the moment... Nice Plecs.
He's gorgeous :) No expert, but knew he wasn't a hypostomus plecostomus, you'd be hard pushed to find one of those nowadays as they're not usually sold as "commons" any more (usually liposarcus pardalis).


And even if he was, £17 wouldn't have been a bad price I dont think?

Anyhoo, he's very spesh - and extremely handsome - congrats :)
sorry dude but thats a plecostomus. :/ and it will acctully not double but quadrouple its size.
Erm....he's already had it id-ed by people who know about plecs. It isn't a plecostomus. Plecostomus is a specific type of pleco, his is a peckoltia - a different species of pleco.

I know when you're new to fish, all suckermouth plecs are easy to bunch together, but it might be worth reading up on plecs a bit? :)

I'm no expert by a long shot, I'm very new to them too - but that aint a hypostomus plecostomus - if you check out the link I posted, you'll see they're not the same :)
sorry dude but thats a plecostomus. :/
Sorry but it's not :) The fish has already been positively identified on a specialist catfish forum where a number of people identified it without hesitation or question ;)

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