

Jun 30, 2004
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I saw this pleco at my LFS and asked what it was and said it was an L204.

It was only about 5-6cm long.

It looks stunning and has great clear colouration.
I asked how much it was and they said £18. I was like woah thats expensive(for me anyway)

Here is some info in the link below

Click here for info

They look easy to feed as their diet is mainly wood.

I really want to get one but i really want to upgrade me lighting and add loads of plants first which is going to cost a bit of money.

I can always hope that it will still be there when ive sorted out my tank, again.....

Anyone kept these plecos before and do you think they look nice?
L204 panaqolus sp. grows to 15cm (six inches) and is fairly fast growing.
Will require wood in it's diet, but also will require other foods such as algae wafers, zuchinni & brussels sprouts and occasional meaty foods such as sinking shrimp pellets or frozen bloodworm.

Other than that, it requires no special conditions and is peaceful & non-aggresive.

Is the one you found the spotted or the striped form?
Thanks replies. It would get algea tabs etc because of my BN. :D
It was the striped form of the L204

The LFS i go to now is great even though it IS small they are very friendly and very knowledgble<<<spelling?? They also allow you to order a fish in if they dont have it in the shop which is good.

They had some unusual gobies, large armoured shrimp(i think), Rusty plecs and this vampire something pleco which is gorgous!! :wub: and some other uncommon smaller fish last time i went.

I will send you a PM later about the name and address.
ARG!!!!!!!!! :grr:
Why couldn't I ever find such neat plecs here!

The most uncommon ones I normally see are scribbles, peppermint (bought), gold spot (might buy, really want a leopard gecko though) and the Medusa (bought and croaked)


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