L200 Info And Experience


Aug 14, 2006
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there is a private seller near me selling L200 green phantoms for £30 each. OS this a good price and does anyone have any information on them as planet catfish doesn't seem to be working. I'm after information on diet and potential size. Also territorial tendencies as I plan to be introducing more l numbers to my 500 litre.
not much info on planet catfish but theres some good info here

there is a private seller near me selling L200 green phantoms for £30 each. OS this a good price and does anyone have any information on them as planet catfish doesn't seem to be working. I'm after information on diet and potential size. Also territorial tendencies as I plan to be introducing more l numbers to my 500 litre.

Depends on how big it is.
But it does sound like a good price. My lfs has medium ones for £40 and big ones for £70.

They eat both vegetable, and a bit of meaty foods too.
when I;ve kept these in the past they have been quite territorial but then most plecs are just give it plenty ofhidey places and make sure it gets food

beautiful fish
i went and got the l200 and altough its around 4 inches it looks tiny in my 500litre!!! are these a faster growing plec or slow to reach near adult size. from what ive researched i have the larger of the 2 l200s. ill get a pic up but its hiding at the moment so no luck.
i went and got the l200 and altough its around 4 inches it looks tiny in my 500litre!!! are these a faster growing plec or slow to reach near adult size. from what ive researched i have the larger of the 2 l200s. ill get a pic up but its hiding at the moment so no luck.

Am sure you will be pleased with it.

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