

Jul 7, 2008
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i'm trying to find a few more L183's if any-body has some, or sees any on their travels, please let me know!!

i'm based in surrey, but will drive most places, as long as i know i can get them! :good:
Dont know how far you are prepared to travel but I bought 2 juveniles from maidenhead aquatics in St Albans at the weekend may be worth giving them a ring
st albans isnt far, i went to uni there, so i know it quite well.

how much were they please mate?
Hi mate
The juveniles were £6 each at 3cm including tail, nice and healthy to. They have a few different plecs there so may have adults too but they do tend to be a bit expensive!!!!! On the A414 just before the London Colney roundabout. Best to ring first I think they will reserve as well
just called them mate, they still have some left, popping up on sunday to get them, cheers :thumbs:
daniel its scott...yes they have some at st albans...only about an 1" tho...and there £7.50 each not £6.00...have a word with sarah or al when u get there and tell them your a mate of mine...they will sort u out...peace
picked these up on sunday, they are indeed tiny!!!

havent seen them since! lol

if anybody does see anymore on their travels, please let me know. can never have too many catfish :)
Hi mate, glad you got them, how many did you get?? mine seem to be a bit bigger than the ones you got and the ones Scott saw and cheaper too!!!!! They seem to be quite rare down here, there is a trio on Ebay at the moment. Are you planning on breeding them??? I am trying to get hold of some longfin brown bristlenoses and can only seem to get albino ones local. Your right cant have enough catfish have 12 various bristlenose and 44 corys (15 from Scott)
i only ended up getting 4, as the bloke i spoke to didnt actually reserve them, and some had sold by the time i got there!! i was hoping for about twice that many, but at least it wasnt a wasted journey.

The trio on ebay are 182's, there is actually quite a few of these cropping up at the moment! but like you say not many white seams!

i'll keep looking, more will turn up in time!
word of warning. Our local MH is selling some L183s which look suspiciously like L182s to many who have viewed. L183s are very rare!!
word of warning. Our local MH is selling some L183s which look suspiciously like L182s to many who have viewed. L183s are very rare!!

183's are far from rare m8, you will know the difference between a 182 and a 183 instantly they are far from looking the same specially at juvi level :)



As you can see quite a bit of difference :)
hmmm...dont no were the rare comes from but there are lots of them around...like jen said there is alot of dif between 182s and 183s even as juvies...i can have a word with my supplier if you looking for more still...let me no if you want adults or juvies and ill get you a price...peace
they are a lot "rarer" than a lot of plecs....

I've got a waiting list for L183 fry..

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