L129 Scribbles, Quick Response Please


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA, USA
i've an opportunity to purchase a L129 scribble plec for $30, including priority (2-3 day) shipping.

1) is this a reasonable price?
2) do you think it would make it ok through a slow shipping process?
3) how likely is the L129 to be misidentified?
4) how reclusive/easily stressed is the L129?

thanks for the help!
Being a pleco i imagine he's pretty tuff, but it may depend on size, a larger fish will have a harder time makeing it throgh shipping just because the package will get tossed around a little. If he's 3-4 inches and has a heat pack im sure he'll be fine for a few days. Im not much of a pleco expert so i cant help you out on the costs or tell you much about the fish, sry :/
heh, although he is indeed a pleco, he's also a Hypancistrus--i.e. a fairly close relative of the infamous zebra plec.

i've heard that other Hypancistrus can be fairly delicate, so i don't want to drop a chunk of change on him just to have him shook to death in shipping.
they are one of the smallest Hypancistrus... ours are now fully grown at just over 3" (nose to tail).

they are not to easy to mis'identify... L270/L307's being a possible one as that was what ours were called when we bought them - BUT they are clearly not when you look at them both.

I really wouldn't like to say about the shipping :dunno:
definitely a cutie :wub: but i don't think its really that much more visually striking than my (hideous) bn pleco--same sort of mottled brown/orange coloration, but no ghastly bristles for scaring people. :lol:

i think i'm going to hold off for now. thanks for the info!
they are nothing like bristlenoses.... :p


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