

Jul 18, 2005
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Got this guy today. Not finding much in the planet catfish Cat-E-log about him, 4" maximum size, what sort of food is he going to be after? I'm assuming he'll need wood and meaty food? Will he be territorial against other plecs?

Is he L002/L074? That's my guess... He was sold as "Peckoltia vittatus", but I'm not trusting the name he was sold under.

Many thanks in advance for all replies.
My guess was wrong! He's apparently a Clown Plec, L104.
Clown plec ;)

Yeah, certainly not the name he was being sold under!

He's doing ok, acclimatised alright and is currently clinging to the side of the filter box.

Do you own/have you owned any russ?
i have 1 in my malawi with a rubbernose and they get along fine. yes that is a clown.how much u get it for. i got mine for 10.00 bucks
Clown plec ;)

Yeah, certainly not the name he was being sold under!

He's doing ok, acclimatised alright and is currently clinging to the side of the filter box.

Do you own/have you owned any russ?


I wanted one before we got our first bristle nose....

Shame, he seems alright.

The amount I paid for mine was £10.00. Shockingly, he was for sale in Pets@home of all places. I probably paid over the odds but I dont mind.
I'm no plec expert but it definately is not a L002
it looks to me more like a L162 :dunno:
Yeah I was in agreement with Wolf :)

I'm seriously going to have to buy the Aqualog book on Lnumbers if I'm going to get my head round this aren't I? :(
Yeah I was in agreement with Wolf :)

I'm seriously going to have to buy the Aqualog book on Lnumbers if I'm going to get my head round this aren't I? :(

I wouldn't bother - they are updated really quickly and the books are revised constantly...
to pay 40-60 quid for it only to have it out of date (and incorrect for quite a few plecs) is a bit harsh...

www.planetcatfish.com's cat-elog is fantastic... and free :)
Yeah I was in agreement with Wolf :)

I'm seriously going to have to buy the Aqualog book on Lnumbers if I'm going to get my head round this aren't I? :(

I wouldn't bother - they are updated really quickly and the books are revised constantly...
to pay 40-60 quid for it only to have it out of date (and incorrect for quite a few plecs) is a bit harsh...

www.planetcatfish.com's cat-elog is fantastic... and free :)

40-60 quid? You must be looking somewhere with some discount, thats a lot cheaper than the ones I've seen, plus apparently there is an updated one which is necessary to go along with the L number book, ugh.

Yeah I use the Cat-e-log a lot, but it's just nice to have a book sometimes. I got the Baensch atlases for xmas and they're invaluable now!
Yeah I was in agreement with Wolf :)

I'm seriously going to have to buy the Aqualog book on Lnumbers if I'm going to get my head round this aren't I? :(

I wouldn't bother - they are updated really quickly and the books are revised constantly...
to pay 40-60 quid for it only to have it out of date (and incorrect for quite a few plecs) is a bit harsh...

www.planetcatfish.com's cat-elog is fantastic... and free :)

40-60 quid? You must be looking somewhere with some discount, thats a lot cheaper than the ones I've seen, plus apparently there is an updated one which is necessary to go along with the L number book, ugh.

Yeah I use the Cat-e-log a lot, but it's just nice to have a book sometimes. I got the Baensch atlases for xmas and they're invaluable now!

I have a clown plec, and I paid £1.50 for mine from the famous ebay lol.

With regards to the Aqualog books, you can get them far cheaper than the price mentioned above, I got mine from http://www.abebooks.co.uk/

You can get them new & second hand.

Thats my cents worth, Mells

You could look on amazon? they have aload of fish book, i boughta guide book from there called How To Start And Care For Your Tropical Aqurium and it has helped me an awful lot and for £2.67 i thought it wasa bargain! so have a look on amazon ;)

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