kukoo betta??


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2005
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Ok I have my crowntail in a 3gal hex. The problem is when i get close to him he darts around and jumps and hits the hood....Is there anything to prevent this? I dont know why he's like this. He just started this behavior today. He is always around me because hes on my computer desk... Could he damage himself going crazy like he is? -_-
How does he act when he's not darting around?
If he's laying on the bottom of the tank with his fins clamped, breathing heavy, got loss of coloration, etc - any of that stuff he could be sick...

How's his temp?
Do you have a filter in that tank?
Sorry for the late response. No filter I do a 100% water change weekly the temp stays around 78-80F. He's not going crazy anymore when I feed him he grabs the food and darts away. Oh well silly betta :rofl:
Lots of mine do this as they think they are getting fed :lol:

Just watch out for any jumping out the tank when you open up the lid :eek: I've had 3 do it now but thankfully they all recovered their 4 foot drop to the floor

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