Kuhlii Loaches - Some Questions..


Jan 8, 2007
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Ok, well I have a baby snail infestation in my 20gl tank.

I want them gone! But I know I cant buy any clown loaches to eat them because of limited space.

So I was thinking of buying some Kuhlii loaches. So here are my questions:

Are these good snail eaters?

Do I need to buy 3 or more to have them be happy?

Would they go ok with an under gravel filter or could they get trapped in it under the gravel?

Would they go ok in a 20gl with 3 guppies, 2 corys, 2 blue rams and 2 dwarf gouramis (these are additions coming in the next week or 2).

Thanks guys.
A: as far as I'm aware, they do not eat snails.

B: groups of 4+

C: They may or may not dig depending. I would not know on the filter.

D: they sound compatible.
From my own observations..

1. I've never seen mine attack a snail. Kuhlis are rather small, if they do eat snails, they'd have to be pretty small too.

2. I've heard they're happier in groups, mine don't seem to care much about company though.

3. I've heard they dig through the substrate, but mine never do. Although UGFs aren't that good with bottom feeders, or in general.

4. Should be okay.

Maybe a kuhli expect can help you out.
You could try a couple Zebra loaches. They stay fairly small and I think they are good snail eaters.
Thanks for the help.

I have seen those zebra loaches on some websites.

I will have to have a look around for them though, I'm in Australia.
I was wanting kuhlii loaches too. I was told that they do eat snails. Now I am confused! ????
Among other small loach snail-eating ideas, you may consider Zippers....
Ok guys..

Whats a dwarf loach and whats a zipper?

I went on a snail hunt last night, got out about 20 babies, and a big snail egg nest thing, so that was a start.

I contacted my local aquarium and was informed that they do not sell zebra loaches and I will find it very hard to find any as they are not allowed to be imported into Australia now.
I beleive that anything under the genus (or at least, former genus, I'm not familiar with the latest tinkerings) Botia is a snail eater, although it's worth doing research for each species you're interested in.
My khuli loaches absolutley adore snails. They can only access them when I have squished the snails first and the khulis pick them up and thrash them around. So yeah, khulis do eat snails, but you have to kill them first to get rid I'm afraid.

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