kuhli loaches

bloozoo2 said:
So how could that be increased ? Sorry for asking a daft and obvious question :*)
i actually answered that in my post above with lowering the water levels if using an HOB filter or using an airstone (since i noticed lateral line overlooked that part :p )

sounds like normal khuli behavior to me though as long as they are not staying at the top
Hi abstract. When they go up to the top of the tank they just 'hang' there for a few seconds. If they did it just once then I wouldn't have queried it, but its repetative.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
It doesn't seem right, but I honestly don't know what's wrong.
abstract said:
i actually answered that in my post above with lowering the water levels if using an HOB filter or using an airstone (since i noticed lateral line overlooked that part :p )
oh....now I do feel silly :*) . Apologies for overlooking that bit. Thanks !
Thanks for the interest guys/girls. I will just keep an eye on them & see what happens. The fact that they are feeding leads me to believe all is not lost, or is that wishful thinking?

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
It depends, I've seen fish eat even when they had quite a bit of ich.
specks said:
Thanks for the interest guys/girls. I will just keep an eye on them & see what happens. The fact that they are feeding leads me to believe all is not lost, or is that wishful thinking?

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
all is definately not lost...they sound active and hungry - 2 signs of healthy khulis if ya ask me :p ..just keep a close eye on them and let us know as things progress
An update on my kuhlis. Yesterday morning (saturday) one of them was acting very strange, he was thrashing around madly, he looked as if he was stuck to the gravel & it was only the top third of his body that was moving. When I got home from work all 5 were on the bottom of the tank & were quite peacefull. Took a chance today & re-organised my tank (didnt want to upset them but had to get new plants & hubby was willing to drive me to my favourite fish shop) Did a good clean, water change, put new plants in & made them a new cave. Treated them to an evening meal of live bloodworms & so far 2 of them have been into the cave & had a look round. They are a lot calmer than they were a few days ago. Hope they manage to find a few bloodworms in the gravel for their supper as my mollies ate so many it is a wonder they can still swim. They all look very pregnant, even the males.
My kuhlis love to hang in the plants floating near the top of the tank occasion. The swim up and wedge themselves into the plants like a hammock and hang out for a while. Then they go back down and do their normal thing...lay in a pile...then they get back up and hang out again...they are cute...I think it depends on the kuhli...because some seem to like doing that more than others... :)
For the last couple of weeks my kuhlis have been quite quiet. They still swim around the tank during daylight hours but have calmed down a lot. Sadly though the clove oil had to be used last week, one of the kuhlis when resting was in the shape of a shepherds crook. (With the bend just past his head). Once when I was giving the tank its weekly vac. one of them shot up the tube before I could switch it off, although at the time there was no signs of damage I wonder if it was the same one. Anyway when I got up one morning the poor little thing was struggling to get upright, every time he made it he would flip over on to his back again. The other tank residents were all picking on him as he struggled and I couldn't bear to see him suffer.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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