Kuhli Loaches: What's The Longest A Loach Was Missing?

we bought 2 khulis about 3 months ago for the first month i saw them regularly under rocks especially when i put food in but its now been about 7 weeks since i saw any sign of them at all!!!!!!! we have a heavily planted 4 ft tank that has loads of rock caves 7 other hidey holes an i guess im just hoping they are still alive!!!!!!!!
we bought 2 khulis about 3 months ago for the first month i saw them regularly under rocks especially when i put food in but its now been about 7 weeks since i saw any sign of them at all!!!!!!! we have a heavily planted 4 ft tank that has loads of rock caves 7 other hidey holes an i guess im just hoping they are still alive!!!!!!!!
If it's the tank in your signature, I bet they're happily hiding among themselves.
Kuhlis very rarely bury themselves, if at all.

i disagree with that statement, or at least the unmodified version.

kuhlis will quickly bury themselves when they feel threatened and will live in hiding if they feel threatened on a continual basis. however, in a non-scary tank, kuhlis are generally in the open and spend very little time buried in the substrate. that does not mean that they don't love to squeeze themselves into interesting little nooks and crannies. ;)

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