I have white clouds. They seem to be calm fish that eat from the surface and as the food sinks. I've never seen them eat from the bottom. might look into something like them?
Thanks; this might be an option, but with two problems:
1. I think they are too small to keep the tank stable if I change the number of khulis often.
(I want the topfeeder to ensure the tank stability).
2. It would not be nice to put them into a tropical tank, hot and no current.
The best option strangely may be zebra danios (whom I personally dislike). I *think* they don't eat from the ground (my bigger danios seem unable to do it, no matter how they try...hopefully zebras have the same limitation) and since they breed all the time, they probably release lots of hormones into the water.
(in case it was not already obvious, the idea is to try to breed khulis)