Kuhli In Shock?

I won't use the StressGuard, to risky for now.
The filter has good flow, it's 150 gph, and it is stuffed with media. Has one sponge cartridge, two foam inserts, one bag full of ceramic rings, and lots of filter floss, and of course the biowheel.

He's not in the open anymore, he's in the roots of the java moss under the driftwood with the other loaches. His color has seemed to improve, but he's still not letting his head touch the sand and he hasn't eaten.
I will try feeding him cooked peas tomorrow, kuhlis love cooked peas.
Ok, he hasn't gotten better at all

His color is still faded, he's sifting through sand now though, but he won't eat. He's eating a tiny bit, but usally he will ignore food or eat it then spit it out.
If it's internal parasites, I will need meds that are shrimp, snail, plant, and loach safe ASAP. Preferrably also filter safe, so no antibiotics. He's also lying on his side constantly...

Can anyone please help me save Lumpy?
I think Lumpy might be blind....Usually if I stick my hand in the tank, the kuhlis scatter. He didn't scatter, I thought he was dead. So I poked and stroked him for a few seconds, then he swam away. Maybe that's why he can't find food? With his whiskers nubs and being blind, he is having a hard time finding food. I don't know how fish keep balance and equilibrium, but maybe that's why he's always on his side? He might not be able to tell he's sideways. His color might be faded due to the gravel and the fact he can't see his surroundings to adapt his color. I took a syringe and dropped some pellets very close to his mouth, but I didn't stick around to see if he ate any.
Is he alive? Looks rather pale

Don't forget all kuhli's are pretty much colourless on their underside. Is he losing any weight at all? From your description i can only see improvement, give it time and cross your fingers.
Poor little thing :( Looking at the first set of pics on his underside between his pectoral fins, to the next set of pics it looks like bruising is appearing (bluish purple mark) If he has been netted roughly in that area he might be so bruised he cant eat. Personally I would just be doing a small daily wc. As for feeding try crushed flake, or crushed pellet with a little garlic (garlic will help boost his immune system). Can you move your filter outlet near him at all (not directly on him) as he is laying on his side his gills look red and bruised too, he maybe struggling to breath, a bit of extra flow or even an airstone dropped in hear him might help. I would resist touching him to make him move he needs rest to recover.

I hope he makes it :(
The "bruise" is actually is...er....his bottom opening....
The food I fed him was New Life Spectrum +Thera-A, it's oozing with garlic. He's also sitting in the flow of the filter, and he is breathing a little fast and shallow compared to the other kuhlis......

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