Kubuntu Live Cd


I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
I've been trying to download and run a live cd of kubuntu linux this evening, and am totally stumped. When I burned the CD, i had nero check what was written on the disk as I always do. I also have checked the md5sums, which were correct.

However, when i try to boot from the CD, i get error messages. I checked the integrity of the disk using an option in the controls, and it said the disk is corrupt? I double checked the writing and checked the md5sums, so i shouldnt' be encountering this,.

Any possible solutions?
Maybe the file that you downloaded was corrupt. If thats the case, even nero will verify the md5sum with the corrupt file.

You can either verify the md5sum mannually, or use a torrent file to verify the md5sum. Also check out: http://ubuntuforums.org/ Its a great source of help.

Oh, one last thing...Linux is wonderful, you might come across problems at first, but its a great way to learn :) I use Ubuntu all the time..even right now
Maybe the file that you downloaded was corrupt. If thats the case, even nero will verify the md5sum with the corrupt file.

You can either verify the md5sum mannually, or use a torrent file to verify the md5sum. Also check out: http://ubuntuforums.org/ Its a great source of help.

Oh, one last thing...Linux is wonderful, you might come across problems at first, but its a great way to learn :) I use Ubuntu all the time..even right now

i dunno if this is your problem, but if you have an AMD 64bit chip then you need a different version.....
i didn't have nero check the md5sums, i checked them prior to burning and compared them with what was provided on the website. Then as a second check, i had nero check it after it was done burning, so the immage and what i burned should be identicle.

I know its not a processor thing. I've got an intel processor. I'll probably just end up installing it on half my hard drive and messing around with it there. Windows is pissing me off...again.
i didn't have nero check the md5sums, i checked them prior to burning and compared them with what was provided on the website. Then as a second check, i had nero check it after it was done burning, so the immage and what i burned should be identicle.

I know its not a processor thing. I've got an intel processor. I'll probably just end up installing it on half my hard drive and messing around with it there. Windows is pissing me off...again.

Got it fixed yet?

I've been having alot of trouble getting Ubuntu to work.
1st i tried the DVD. Nero said the 2gig file was too big, even though my DVD was 4.7 gig.
Then i tried burning a live-CD which was fine but it won't boot! and i think that's nero's fault too because of the image they use to make the disk bootable... :(
Do you see one file or lots of files?

Mount the CD drive and look at the CD you burned, is it just one file or is it multiple files on the cd? You should see lots of files.

If you see one, you haven't burned it correctly as an ISO image.
Windows is pissing me off...again.


...so did you get it fixed? you asked for help then never commented again.

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