

Fish Herder
Feb 19, 2004
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i have an albino female and a reg male... they been together about 3 weeks and im wondering if theres anything i can do to help them breed..

raise temp, special foods... ne thing?
How do they look? Are their colors becoming more vivid? Is the female trying to entice the male at all by showing him her belly? Have they begun to prepare a spawning site? Is there a "cave" in the tank? Other fish? Are you certain that they are sexually mature (seven to 9 months old?) I don't think that three weeks is overly long in terms of waiting for them to develop a breeding relationship -- it could be that one or both of them are simply not ready yet.
the male laid eggs with a different female, the eggs disappeared after a few days, and about a week later the female was dead...

this new female and him swim around each other, and sometimes are together in a skull, sometimes not... theyre the only fish in the tank... the male is pretty vivid, but the female is off and on in terms of color
The dither fish are a good idea....however, I have had kribs for a long time and they have never bred...rams do, but kribs don't. Maybe you just need a little more time.
Dont forget the "Barry White" music :p

I have had a pair of Kribs for a couple months, and they did not even try to breed. I finally went and purchased a more mature female and within a day or 2 she has laid eggs with the Only male i had. I moved the other females to my 55 gallon for now. Waiting on the eggs to hatch and the fry to become free swimmers. It just takes time, You cant hurry love. :fun:
Barry White doesn't seem to work with kribs....maybe some Pantera.

theres babies today.... not very many, but they blend in with my hideously colored rocks...

i can alrdy tell which ones are albino and which arent...

i guess they laid eggs in the flowerpot... never really noticed them go into it ever...

but i just did a 25% water change and took out the firemouth that was in with them..

so im guessing the new water might have done it.... they jus hide in the corner while all the babies swim all over the place...

im jus gonna leave em in there and see..

the male bred before, but the eggs got eaten and the female got killed im guessing...

so hopefully the male will know what to do and the fry will survive.
Glad to hear you got them to breed. Good luck with the fry.
Wow -- guess they had you fooled! They don't sound like typical krib parents, though. Mine didn't let the babies out of their sight for weeks after the eggs hatched. :rolleyes: I have read that some kribs don't get it quite right the first time, however, so perhaps practice will make perfect.

You bought a firemouth for a dither fish? :lol:

Good luck with the fry. What are you feeding them?
nah.. i bought the firemouths one day... convicts ripped em apart.. so they went with the kribs... 1 of the firemouths beat the crap out of the other... the hurt firemouth went in a breedin trap to heal, overnight the mean firemouth jumped in the trap and finished the job, so mr firemouth is now with the convicts, who laid eggs overnight also ! ...

i jus noticed the fry this morning... i have a dead culture of microworms, but i hear if u jus shake em up and try to start it up again they should come back.. i havent checked on em in weeks cuz it smells so bad... i guess ill have to take a look inside there soon and see if i can re generize the culture..

yea the parents are lazy... the male jus does whatever, while the female takes care of the babies... ive seen the female suck in and spit out babies a few times now... the male jus kinda chills..

think i should get a few danios for em ?

its only a 10 gallon tank so i donno :X
I don't think adding dither fish to a ten gallon is likely to improve things -- it might create stress, and would undoubtedly be dangerous for the new fish.

My kribs actually fed the babies a sort of infusoria. I'd put their food in and they would take it into their mouths and then I'd see little clouds of food particles being pushed out of their gills, which the babies greedily devoured. Then I read that baby brine shrimp was good for them, so I bought the frozen kind and fed them that until they were big enough to eat the adult chow. The mom tears into it and the babies pick up the rest. I also have a food called "First Bites" that is just really small particles of fish foods, I guess. They don't seem to be picky eaters, but they don't come up to the top, so the foods that work best are things that sink gradually.

Too bad about your firemouths. :sad:

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