Kribensis Help


Fish Gatherer
Jun 1, 2004
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I purchased a pair of kribensis a few days ago,not sure about the sex,but today I noticed one missing,I eventually found it in a corner, looked like it was hiding,been watching it all day but its never moved,the other is swimming about ok,I've removed the one in the corner to another tank to see if it will perk up abit.

Could the other krib be bullying it?

Should I buy another? I'm wondering if you should have more than 2 together.
Hi Dana its a 4ft tank ,but i noticed when I first put them in they were chasing each other,not sure how sex them but the one chasing is bigger with a black spot on its fin.

Just looked at the other its staying very still in the tank i moved it to.

Hope it doesn't die. :(
when i first got my kribensis, a male and a female (who was smaller) hid behind a plant for about a week and the male just swam about ,she soon came out of hiding and then about a month later layed eggs.i was worried at first too.its strange seeing the fish hiding..just keep a watch on her/him.and make sure she/he is getting some food ..does one have a longer dorsal fin ?

my friends and i have had a bit of experience with kribs and they are nearly always like that :) i couldnt have anything else in the tank bigger than my krib otherwise he was really angry. My friend had 2 males and a female in hers 2 paired up but picked on the other, but now she has lots of babies!! they are really cute :)
I found the Krib dead this morning :( I'd really like another to go with the one on its own but I'm not sure now :/
-_- hi sorry your krib died it was probably an immature male as the one you describe doing the bullying may be a female, they are more aggressive than the males. If you get a new one make sure it is an adult maleor if you dont want to breed them keep her on her own. :)
Any idea how you can sex Kribensis black angel?
:) The male krib must be bigger than the female as kribs fight to initiate courtship, if the male isn't tough enough she will kill him.
The male will have a diamond shaped tail... pointed dorsal fin and pointed pectoral fins

The female is usually the more colourfull of the two, her fins are all slightly rounded and in the case of the pectoral fins club shaped.


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Cat said:
BOD said:
can u keep a krib on its own?!
Well mine is on its own now.
Aw, I am sorry that one has died. :sad:

Male kribs are generally brilliant on their own IME. I have had 2 sets of kribs and in one the female is very aggressive but in the other the female is gorgeous. Your tank is big and I would think that either sex would be ok, but I would keep an eye out.

:D you can keep kribs on their own but i like to see them breeding. In your tank you should be able to keep two pairs but your female sounds super feisty. Is she quite big and got a deep red belly? if so, then maybe a male thats bigger than her will do better. Then if they pair up maybe get a second pair and hopefully she will be too preoccupied with the new male to notice. Personally though i think one pair would be fine, or two females.

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