Krib Tankmates

quick answer - lots

better answer would be based around what you would actually like to add to the tank. Got any fish you have your eye?
most fish will live peacefully with them, its just they wont live peacefully with other fish, if they breed ;)
Most community fish make good tankmates.
I have mine with a good group of Tiger Barbs, Platys, Hengle Rasbora and Black Neon Tetra's.
Although some people may not agree with the Tiger Barbs, but I've managed to keep them succesfully.
Given the protective nature of spawning Kribs, you want something big enough to cope with the aggression that prefers the upper levels of the tank, reaching about the same size as Krib adults. A group of African Red Eye Tetra would make a nice biotope theme in a 4-foot tank, giving the tetras room to swim and get out of the way if/when the Kribs get nasty.
stick larger "tougher" tetras if you want a schooling fish. tetras like bleeding hearts or diamonds are good choices even though they are not from africa.
I would imagine Bleeding Hearts will fall over dead within hours of being put with your Tigers and Kribs, they are very shy fish.

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