Krib Has Skin Prob

Hmmm, it looks pretty normal to me, in all the times i've had kribs, i dont think i've come across that. What is your water stats?
looks like hole in the head disease, also called head & lateral line disease.
It is usually found in cichlids that are kept in tanks that have a lot of rotting material in them. Regular water changes and gravel cleans will help prevent the problem, as will keeping the filter well maintained.
Once they have the problem you need to use something like Metronidazole to clear it up. This can be obtained from a vet. Waterlife also do something called Octozin that sometimes works.
octozin is good for it...and I agree it probs is hole-in-head.
Did you know the actual name for it is hematoxia??
Don't know why I pinted that out but oh well...
oh embarrasing I can't even get it right when I try and say something clever...I didn't realise it had another name though thats the only reason why I wrote it lol

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