krib eggs


New Member
Apr 29, 2003
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my krib has laid egg two days ago how long till they hach and how can you tell if the eggs are firtile or not as i am new to the hobby and only know the basics any help will be welcomed thanks. :nod:
Kribs eggs hatch in 3-8 days - I don't know how to tell if they are fertile or not as I have never seen my krib's eggs :) They generally lay between 10 and 300 eggs and they are prolific breeders, so if this batch is not fertile then it is likely that the next lot will be. Stick with it and you may see mama krib looking after a load of little wigglers very soon.

Cheers, Eddie
my krib has laid them in full view for all to see, they are an amber colour and there is about 40 of them.
Unusual but not unheard of - normally they like to lay in a cave or similar. A colour from yellow to dirty orange is apparently normal for krib eggs. Sounds like you could be expecting some babies in the very near future :thumbs:
hope so also got some keyhole cichlids that i hope may breed, still babys though 2" long, what size are keyhole cichlids usualy before they will breed, thank for the help any advice given

danny :beer:
Sorry Danny, I know nothing about keyholes. Hopefully CichlidMaster will pick up on this as he knows everything there is to know about cichlids.

Cheers, Eddie

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