Krib eggs?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2003
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I think may Kribs have spawned in one of my half flowerpots.
The female peaks her nose out and occassionally goes for a quick swim round the tank, but mostly she is in the pot. I have been able to see some what look like black dots on the back and top of the pot, though its very hard to see its so dark in the back. Are these the eggs? If so how long will they take to hatch? How can I feed the fry in a large community aquarium with lots of other fish? Also the male doesnt seem that interested, half of the time he just swims around the tank, the rest he kinda hangs about outside the pot, though he is chasing a lot of fish away that get too near. It looks like there are loads of eggs, is it normal for such a large number of eggs in Kribs?
It sounds like it.

The fry will support themselves for the first week or so after hatching, you only need to worry about feeding them after you notice that they are fully free swimming.

Then you can powder up the adult food and use and eye dropper (or figure out another method) to get some food into the flower pot that will be their home for a while. Small frozen micro-organisms like baby-brine shrimp make great supplements as well.
congrads on ur kribs breeding but i would i wouldnt think ur krib fry have a high chance of growing up if there are other fish in the tank to
the male and female will do there best to save them but dont get ya hopes up
:fish: Kribs make great parents and if your tank is planted the baby fish will find plenty of small organisms to feed on. :) If you watch them from a distance when you feed the fish in the tank you will notice the parents take some of the food and chew it up before spitting it out for the babies. :D
The male is acting perfectly normally, his job is to keep all other fish away from the fry/home. :)
When the fry start to wander around the tank the parents will chase away all other fish, unfortunatly in a mixed tropical tank most kribs will only manage to save a few fry. Mine managed to raise 5 out of about 70/80 last time. :(

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