Krazyturbo's Nano Tank


New Member
May 6, 2007
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Since my other thread is destine to go off topic, I'll use this one for posting about my cube :)


12gal Nano Cube DX
CA 800 Pump Upgrade
Some Sand
~20lbs Fiji/Mixed Live Rock
50/50 PC Lighting (stock)
Mostly Stock Filter (Bio Balls, Sponge, Mesh Thing, Charcoal Bag, Ceramic Beads)
Wisper 100 Watt Automatic Heater

Current Livestock (5-15-07):

Clown Fish
Green Chormis
SandSift Star
Hermit Crab (maybe a snail, he hides too much)

Cool Mods:

Check my other thread for the super bucket-filter-fuge-topoff-transporter

Pictures (5-15-07)



good looking tank you planning on any corals?
also are you planning on keeping the scopas tang?
I gave the Scopas Tang to my LFS.

By third fish I belive you are reffering to the little green guy hiding in the back, he's a Green Chormis and my clown doesnt like him =/

Yep I will be getting corals! Cant wait! I also have my eye on this super bright orange sponge at the LFS.

Is there any way to get rid of the worms in the tank? It makes me sick when I see them come out of the rocks at night I hate worms!
You mean bristleworms? Well yes there are ways to get rid of them, but they are fantastic scavengers and detritovores. They actually help keep your tank clean and healthy, and IMO you should be greatful for them :)
They are brown or white and look alot like a tube, they make me sick!
New Pics

Full Tank Shot:


My New Hermit :)


Star And Hermit Friends?:

It seems the hermit is in love with my star. He climbed back on the star earlier and the star started moving and the hermit stayed on for the ride then about a minuet later he went back off exploring. He's been at it all day, hauling ass all over my tank. He doesn't seem to be doing anything, think it he may be looking for a new shell?

Tank Lighting update:

Nothing special here, I just pulled the cover off and flipped thee bulbs so the daylight bulb was towards the back of the tank and the acentic was in front, personally I think it looks alot nicer. The tops of the rocks have a daylight glow and everything else has the acentic blue glow :)

Personal Update:

Finally my tank seems to be up and going perfect! There has been a few minor scares and water fluctuations that scared me a bit and things like my scorpis tang going assassin on my other fish. Today I ran some tests and found nothing wrong!! I was able to enjoy my tank without having to get my hands wet or race to the LFS at well past the speed limit to go buy things... haha

I <3 my nano
That star has a greater than 99% chance of starving to death. I just caution you to keep an eye on it. When stars die, they disintegrate rapidly and will quickly nuke your tank. If you don't remove it rapidly, you may lose all your livestock and corals. To date, I don't know of anyone who has successfully kept a star alive in a nano tank. That sponge you are thinking of buying will also die. SH
just curious if it can starve to death in a nano has it got a chance of starving aswell in my tank which is 90 us gallons also could it nuke my tank? as i also have a red serpent star can this nuke my tank aswell as i never knew stars could nuke tanks
(sorry to hijack thread)
i cant believe no one has talked about the lonely cromis.
They are deffinately shoaling fish, i think they should be kept that way.
I am not flaming at all :) just friendly talk.
I took the star back to the LFS =/ I liked the star.

Should I get the green chormis a friend?
could i get a star for my 50 gallon and not have it nuke my tank?

Everythings going good now! I got a bright yellow/blue damsel and a bright yellow/pink dieadema basslet to add to the tank. I'll have pics later. I also added a few snails, and 4 blue leg hermits. The final thing i did was completely redo my aquascaping, looks bueatiful :) plus..... Tank is doing perfect right now!! :) :) :)


Should I, and how can I remove the sand in replace for crushed aragonite(sp?) I was thinking about skimming a layer of it off for now, then putting the aragonite on top. Im getting sick of cleaning everything because my fish like to make a mess with the sand. Will this be ok if I remove some sand and put the aragonite over a layer of sand? I'd remove it all but I dont want to mess with my LR.

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