Kovu - Help! Im Not Sure What To Do!


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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so...im going to go right to the point, kovu has had these "gagging" reflex like reactions as if he is trying to cough up a hair ball since i got him, well anyway today he threw up what looked like poo....it honestly came out of his mouth like poo and at the same time he poo'd as well as threw up :( he didnt look happy but now that he has done it he is acting fine again! now im not sure if i should be worried about him? should i get him to a vet or is it a waste of time? the vet said the gagging was nothing to worry about and he prob had a hairball waiting to come out so i was exspecting that but not this!and advise is welcome on this...
As gross as it sounds... was it slimey, hard or what? Did you poke it? (and no... not kidding!) what did it look like it was make of?

I would get to the vets asap and ask for/insist on at very least xrays to check for blockages or perforations in any major organs like stomach or bowels of something like that.

On the other hand, what on earth could your cat have eaten and partially digested to look like poo? If a cat is retching and being sick, sometimes the strain and poo at the other end isnt that surprising... it might just be your cat ate something bad!!

How does your cat look now? Is it:

1- Behaving normally, sleeping, eating, washing and moving about etc
2- Going o the toilet
3- Pink gums (as oposed to really white or very red)

And it goes on really... you know your cat by behaviour, if it looks bad to you, make the vet visit andinsist on tests because if your cat doesnt seem right, you know that but your vet doesnt get to see how your cats changed and might miss something.

Good luck!

well, this is just it he is actin the same as he normaly would as if nothing has happened? the only thing he could of ate is the dogs food....kovu is not that old yet (6 months?) so does not go out yet...
vet said he is A ok, turns out it was caused but some ham he had, didnt relise but it was gone of and had given the poor guy an upset tummy!

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