

Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
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Hey guys,

Seeing as my sunfish were released today, I was wondering if I could possibly stock 1 or 2 koi fish in my 29 gallon. I saw some at the, Some were all silver (3-4 inches) and a yellow and black one (round 5-6 inches), I was wondering if I could keep a few of the silver ones or something and once they get big enough, my neighbor said he gladly will take them and keep them in his pond, (huge pong btw).

My point is, Can i keep 1 or 2 of them in my tank to admire them. I think they are so cool looking.

:dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
ok lets look at a 29 gallon tank ,they are on avarage 30 x 12 x 18

it would largely depend on how long you intended to keep the fish in the tank

id say no as koi are more suited to a pond even at a small size

1 would be fine but only for the short term,they are a fast growing fast swimming fish and need plenty space 2 might be pushing it but if your pump and filter are up to the job then fine but again short term

(huge pong btw).
:sick: :rofl: :rofl:
Go for it. :D :D
As long as you know your little koi will grow really fast and very soon outgrow your tank.They don't stay small in little tanks.
Also even small koi will dig up the gravel all the time and demolish any plants you put in.So a really good filter will be necessary.

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