koi friends


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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my friend has a really really big pond, about 4metresx4 metres and he has a couple of koi in there, so i was wondering what kinda pond mates could go in there(i.e what goldfish,plecs,and others)


A popular member for large kio ponds seem to be Sturgeon, they are winter hardy and can be tamed just like koi. My dad hand feeds his Sturgeon which also sticks his snout out of the water around the edges of the pond during non feeding times making it quite a character, also not aggresive to other pond mates. only suggested for LARGE ponds!!
Golden Rudd give off fantastic colours especially when kept in large shoals, as well as roach, again a shoal fish.
But one of my favorites is the Bristol blue, which can grow to quite a size within a large pond. With a multiple of colours avalible and fantastic flowing tails these and shubumkins are a must for the garden pond. Variety is the spice of life and the more variety of colours within pond the more pleasing to the eye it can be.
Don't sturgeons grow to like 100 pounds and like 6 feet long? They would be a bit cramped in a 4 meter pond, no?

I saw them at the Bio-Dome in Montreal and most of them looked to be a good 50 pounds and more.

There's still room for him to swim but he would reach 1/2 the length of the pond

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