Knobby Mushroom Dividing


Fish Crazy
May 26, 2009
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I put a previous post about my Discosoma sp coral splitting down the middle.

It has happened to two recently. One of them appears to have dissapeared completely! and the other appears to have split in two with both ends becoming elongated.It was attached to the rock in the middle but has now fallen to the bottom of the tank. There appears to be a small white substance still attached to the rock.

I have placed the piece that fell off onto another piece of live rock? Is this the right thing to do and will the original coral grow back? Does anybody have any pictures to show corals splitting and what happens to them?

I am very new to marine keeping so any help would be verymuch appreciated.
HI Stefday, because I am new. How did it look when it was dividing? I am being nosy because mine has not done yet but I suspect that one of mine may be. THanks.

It maybe worth putting photo's of them on here for the guys to look at?

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