Knife fish- friend or foe?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2004
Reaction score
Sunny England
Hi guys and gals, I have recently (six months) set up my first tank with a mixture of swords, rainbows, scissor tails,x2 panchax, kuli and clown loach,x1 clown knife fish and a common plec, reading one of the below articals i understand the common plec with eventually grow huge, and on further resurch i also gather the knife fish will grow into a pretty big fish also, which was not explained at all by the "useful" aquatic shop helper when purchasing, is there anything i should know about the above fish, ie do i need to seporate the knife fish into a seporate tank, are the above fish ok to be kept together, i havent had any trouble with any of them, but the more i learn, the more i realise more reasurch was required before purchasing :blink:
clown knife fish can grow over a foot long and will definitly outgrow your tank but it should not bother nething that cant fit into his mouth or that doesn't go in his cave
Clown knives can grow over 40", my friend had one in a 250 gallon and the thing had a hard time turning around. It was sad because he was saving for a new tank and it ended up jumping out and knocking off the hood and dying on the floor while he was at work.
Clown loaches also get big, like 8" to 12". Both Khulis and clowns do better with other khulis and clowns loaches, while they don't shoal they are social. :fish: :fish:

What size is your tank? have got a huuge assortment of fish there....

Clown loaches get pretty big, so do the Angelfish - hope your tank is tall. Also the Knife fish does get to about 3 feet long. There is one at my LFS on display. (Along with a huuge pleco)....

And yup the Knife fish is a predator. (nocturnal) and I heard that they don't like too much light.

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