I always knew my cat was a bit of a klutz but tonight she just confirmed all my suspicions. I had gone into the laundry to feed her (with of course her following and meowing to hurry up) when I disturbed a gecko that must have been heading to the cats water bowl for a drink. Anyway the gecko got a scare and started running back up the wall, when Miss Klutz saw it and couldn't resist trying to catch it. So the cat leapt up the wall, grabbed the gecko and succeded in falling into her own water bowl . She actually managed to catch the gecko and keep it in her mouth (even with her impromtu dunking) and headed off to the lounge room to play with her prize. This was her undoing as of course the gecko escaped her and made a hasty retreat to underneath a large glass sided display cabinet full of breakable ornaments, Miss Klutz then began demanding I move the cabinet so she could regain her prize. Not likely cat. Considering this latest attack of klutziness on behalf of my cat the mind boogles that she has made it to the age of 11years . I just hope she forgets about the gecko now and doesn't spend the remainder of the night knocking ornaments and glass photo frames off the top of the display cabinet in her quest for the gecko.