Kitty Troubles!


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hey everyone.

Having afew problems with my 3 Kittys.
Simba - Male - 3-4 Years Old
Gizmo - Male - 2 years old
Holly - Female - 1 1/2 years old

The main issue is at night they really act up badly, running around like idiots, knocking things over, fighting, diving on the bed etc etc.
The kittys aren't allowed in the living room due to me having 3 Dwarf Hamsters and my Aquarium in there.

They get fed just before I go to bed, They get alot of play time also but nothing seems to tire them out. On a normal morning I wake up to things knocked over in kitchen, scratching post down the steps and kitty litter all over the floor!

They are indoor cats but do have access to the Balcony but at the moment the Balcony is having a wall and fountain fitted so it's unuseable for now.

Any advice what I can do for the cats?

seperate them , cats are quite nocturnal really & come alive at night, so if you seperate them at night you might find they quieten down. Another thing is to get them both neutered/spayed if not already done so. do you have a cat tree? If not maybe find a large ish one they can play on. So long as your aquarium has a proper hood/lid then could you perhaps find a new living room for the hammies?
My cat now & previous cat were always fine in the living room with the tanks as they couldnt do anything to them. My cat is spayed so most nights she wants to go out at night which is when they hunt & play. Is this an option if you got them neutered/spayed? x
Just thought to add that IME cats get very active right after being fed (at least my boys do) so feeding them before bed could be some of the problem. I found that feeding them a couple of hours before bed and then playing really really hard with them tends to wear them out, well at least for 4-5 hours. :lol: You can get cats to be more active during the day and sleep more at night but it takes someone at home during the day constantly getting them to play and bugging them (which I think is pay back for the 3 o'clock yowl right in my ear :sly: ).

I know you said they get a lot of play time, but if they are running and playing to the point of knocking over things then they just might not be getting enough exercise, you may have very high energy cats that need more. I'd say they calm down when they get older, but I've got a 9 year old cat that still plays like a kitten. :rolleyes:

Some of the problem too could be that you have two males and a female, the males may be fighting over dominance (even if they are fixed they'll do this). Separating them as dizzy suggested may help with that. :good:
Do you have small toys they can play with at night, other than the scratching post? I had a young cat that drove me nuts wanting to play at night, once I got him a bunch of little mice things and had him playing with them during the day, he realized he could make his own fun and stopped pesting me.

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