Kissing Gouramis?

tropical fishies

Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2008
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Leeds, Uk
i was told about a type of fish called kissing gourami, i wasnt sure if the person was joking or not... is he?? and do they really kiss??
A very interresting fish, which breeds in true Gourami fashion without a bubble nest... The eggs just float.. They need big quarters and I've had a pair of 7"...but I do think they grow bigger. Peaceful and desirable in community, and yes they do go through a ritual that looks like they're kissing. (colour.... Pink, and you also get the green variety)
very good!

sound like fun, but i think ill pass, they sound a bit big for my tank!

mines only a a 60cm x30cm 60l
When these fish "kiss" it is actually an agressive action, kind of an alpha male fighting.
i have two dwarf gourami's and i have seen them kiss, rub against their sides i believe they are both females. shoul di worry now?
i have two dwarf gourami's and i have seen them kiss, rub against their sides i believe they are both females. shoul di worry now?

Now.... Don't worry..... I personally think it is just an instinctive thing they do and has nothing to do with aggression or mating...... No harm is done.... Let them be.

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