Kip came to me at approximately 10 weeks old. I was his 3rd home after a horrible start to life. His mother belonged to an alcoholic man. I rehomed all but 2 of the pups and spayed the ***** myself. He would not let me take 2 of the pups as his friend wanted them. Several weeks after I had rehomed the litter, I got a call from a woman who told me that her daughter and friend had witnessed a known alcoholic drug user, kick 2 pups down the concrete stairwell of a council flat because they had peed on the floor. She and her friend picked up a pup each and ran. However, she lived in a rented 3rd floor flat and was heavily pregnant and couldn't keep him. I went to collect him with several of my dogs in the car. As soon as I saw Kip, I asked her where she had got him from as I thought I recognised him from the litter I had taken and rehomed. Sure enough, he was one of the 2 given to 'the friend'.
The woman looked dubious at my car full of large woofing dogs and was worried, but I assured her it was fine, and put Kip in the back with the others who welcomed him right away.
To cut a long story short, after some adventures, Kip and me became soulmates. He never left my side. He adored me and I adored him. He hated just about everyone else though and would attack men if he got the chance. I guess he never forgot his horrible treatment at the hands of men. Kip developed epilepsy at the age of 2 and was on medication which kept it mainly under control. One night in February 2006, he started fitting. Unusually, he was fitting outside mildly. He was confused. I say unusually because when he felt one coming on, he would take himself off to a varikennel in the dog room where he knew it was dark and safe. After 20 minutes with no sign of the fit stopping, I rushed him to the vet. It was 7pm. The vet worked on him until 11pm. With kip coming in and out of a fit. I was crying and sobbing when he fitted but took hold of myself when he was lucid so as not to distress him. In the end, the vet said he would put him into a deep coma which might help. I could leave him at the vets or take him home. I decided to bring him home. I didn't want him waking in a strange place. His place was with me.
The next morning, Kip came out of the coma and it was obvious all was not well. He was brain damaged. He knew me, thunped his tail on the floor several times, but could not focus. His body twitched and his head weaved from side to side. Kip and I were to be parted and the pain was almost too much to bear. However, for his sake, I controlled myself, carried him to the car and told him we were going 'shopping' which he loved. On the 5 mile drive to the vet, I sang to him, talked to him, said all his favourite words and named his doggy friends. I held him in my arms in the back of 'his' car, while the vet injected him. I told him I loved him, that he was a good boy, and to go to sleep. In an instant, he was gone.
I brought him home and put his body in the yard so that the other dogs could sniff and understand that he was dead instead of looking for him. Urian the lurcher sat by the body for half an hour and howled and howled.
I was distraught. I could not bear for my boy to be vuried down the bottom with my other pets so his grave is right beneath my front window. I bought a lovely rose to plant over him. It is named 'forever young'. Kip was only 5 years old.It's blooms are deep amber, just like my boy's eyes.
A kinder, more dignified dog never lived. All other animals here were family to him. If I had alitter of puppies, he would fetch all his favourite toys, including 'boingy' (ball), and kweeekis (squeaky toy) and place them almost in reverense, beside them, even when they were only a couple of weeks old, far too young to play with his treasures. In this picture he is holding his kweekis surrounded by his friends, some fostered dog, now gone to new homes.
RIP my boy. I would have gladly offered a part of me if it would have saved you. The sun went in when you left me and has never really shone again. I hope we will be together again one day.
RIP 'Kip' 2001-2006. He loved, and was loved, to the end.
The woman looked dubious at my car full of large woofing dogs and was worried, but I assured her it was fine, and put Kip in the back with the others who welcomed him right away.
To cut a long story short, after some adventures, Kip and me became soulmates. He never left my side. He adored me and I adored him. He hated just about everyone else though and would attack men if he got the chance. I guess he never forgot his horrible treatment at the hands of men. Kip developed epilepsy at the age of 2 and was on medication which kept it mainly under control. One night in February 2006, he started fitting. Unusually, he was fitting outside mildly. He was confused. I say unusually because when he felt one coming on, he would take himself off to a varikennel in the dog room where he knew it was dark and safe. After 20 minutes with no sign of the fit stopping, I rushed him to the vet. It was 7pm. The vet worked on him until 11pm. With kip coming in and out of a fit. I was crying and sobbing when he fitted but took hold of myself when he was lucid so as not to distress him. In the end, the vet said he would put him into a deep coma which might help. I could leave him at the vets or take him home. I decided to bring him home. I didn't want him waking in a strange place. His place was with me.
The next morning, Kip came out of the coma and it was obvious all was not well. He was brain damaged. He knew me, thunped his tail on the floor several times, but could not focus. His body twitched and his head weaved from side to side. Kip and I were to be parted and the pain was almost too much to bear. However, for his sake, I controlled myself, carried him to the car and told him we were going 'shopping' which he loved. On the 5 mile drive to the vet, I sang to him, talked to him, said all his favourite words and named his doggy friends. I held him in my arms in the back of 'his' car, while the vet injected him. I told him I loved him, that he was a good boy, and to go to sleep. In an instant, he was gone.
I brought him home and put his body in the yard so that the other dogs could sniff and understand that he was dead instead of looking for him. Urian the lurcher sat by the body for half an hour and howled and howled.
I was distraught. I could not bear for my boy to be vuried down the bottom with my other pets so his grave is right beneath my front window. I bought a lovely rose to plant over him. It is named 'forever young'. Kip was only 5 years old.It's blooms are deep amber, just like my boy's eyes.
A kinder, more dignified dog never lived. All other animals here were family to him. If I had alitter of puppies, he would fetch all his favourite toys, including 'boingy' (ball), and kweeekis (squeaky toy) and place them almost in reverense, beside them, even when they were only a couple of weeks old, far too young to play with his treasures. In this picture he is holding his kweekis surrounded by his friends, some fostered dog, now gone to new homes.
RIP my boy. I would have gladly offered a part of me if it would have saved you. The sun went in when you left me and has never really shone again. I hope we will be together again one day.
RIP 'Kip' 2001-2006. He loved, and was loved, to the end.