Kio Angelfish

I have been keeping Angel fish for some time now and offer some advice.... prepared for constant breeding when (if) your fish pair off. I have two angels in a Amazon Drift Biotype who breed every two weeks without fail. They typically lay c. 300 eggs, which I have now taken to removing as they then get aggessive with my other fish.

Question: do you have room and time for hundreds of Angle fry every couple of weeks, IMHO Angels are easy to breed and certainly need no encouraging!


Your point is well taken. I guess i will just have to keep robbing the egg sites. I really want a nice looking well landscaped tank with beautiful angelfish. It does sound like it may be a pain, hopefully it will be worth all the effort i'm willing to give.

Question--- What is a Amazon Drift Biotype ?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts,
Sorry Mike,

I meant Amazon Rift Biotype Aquarium...

...a biotype aquarium is set up to replicate the area of the world that you would naturally find the Angels (i.e. the Amazon Rift). The plants and other fish within the tank are also respresentative of the area; so I have some beautiful Cardinals, Rummy Nose tetras and Ram's! :D

Hi there,

I pretty much purchased everything i need to get started setting this tank up. I need to buy my two 36" bulbs for the light fixtures.

What kind of light bulbs should i get for angelfish? (Wattage and the type of lighting) I don't know if angelfish do better with certain lighting or not.

Thanks for the help :) ,
I know you've already gotten expert opinion and you are probably all set, but wanted to give you my experience anyway. I've also kept angelfish off and on and while I'm no expert the one thing I do know they are VERY sensitive to is acclimation. Make sure you acclimate them to your water for longer than you would the average fish.

I'm sure a breeder can advise you on it....there's even a "drip" method using airline tubing and a bucket that sounds excellent, though I've never gone to that extreme with it.

Good luck with the koi they are beautiful and I applaud your choice of angels over discus.....I think discus while beautiful are a little overrated.
I know you've already gotten expert opinion and you are probably all set, but wanted to give you my experience anyway. I've also kept angelfish off and on and while I'm no expert the one thing I do know they are VERY sensitive to is acclimation. Make sure you acclimate them to your water for longer than you would the average fish.

I'm sure a breeder can advise you on it....there's even a "drip" method using airline tubing and a bucket that sounds excellent, though I've never gone to that extreme with it.

Good luck with the koi they are beautiful and I applaud your choice of angels over discus.....I think discus while beautiful are a little overrated.


Thanks for your help. I will remember this advice.

Again thanks,
Don't hesitate to ask for help, that's one of the reasons I hang out here. You are doing one of the best things any aquarist can; planning ahead. :good:

Fish get shipped overnight priority, and with heat packs when it's colder. If there's a real cold snap they will hold off on shipping until it warms up a little.

Buying fish from different breeders is a good idea, the trick is getting the fish to realize they are supposed to pair with fish from a different breeder. Even if they do pair among each other from the same breeder it gives you the opportunity to sex them, and you are then able to switch partners in many cases.

Their right :good: I ask more stupid questions than anybody, and they still tolerate ma B)
Hi everyone,

I finally got my tank up and running. Need to cycle it yet. Can't wait to get this tank stocked with some kio angelfish.

When and if i do a fishless cycle, how bad is the brown algae growth when using this method? My lfs suggests doing a cycle with fish slowly over lots of time. Add one or two fish every other week. Since my tank is large, the water shouldn't reach fatal toxic levels to the fish. What do you think ?


When i know my tank has been cycled i will be getting some kio angels. I think they are awesome looking.
Angelsplus is a breeder i will most likely try. Any other breeder suggestions would be appreciated.

I've done fishless cycling on six tanks - and haven't had trouble with brown algae in any of them. Different coloured algae - even white fungus (especially on the bog wood) - has come and gone but eventually the tank settles down.

Lfs's nearly always recommend cycling with fish - some of them haven't even heard of fishless cycling. I'm a big fan, though. It doesn't stress the fish and you can stock all the fish you want to keep at once. :good:

Also doesn't strike me as being a good idea to cycle with angelfish - but people with more experience of these fish - or of cycling with fish - will know better than me.

Edit: I also have no experience of fishless cycling in such a big tank as yours - perhaps others have?
I've done fishless cycling on six tanks - and haven't had trouble with brown algae in any of them. Different coloured algae - even white fungus (especially on the bog wood) - has come and gone but eventually the tank settles down.

Lfs's nearly always recommend cycling with fish - some of them haven't even heard of fishless cycling. I'm a big fan, though. It doesn't stress the fish and you can stock all the fish you want to keep at once. :good:

Also doesn't strike me as being a good idea to cycle with angelfish - but people with more experience of these fish - or of cycling with fish - will know better than me.

Edit: I also have no experience of fishless cycling in such a big tank as yours - perhaps others have?


Thanks for your thoughts. No, i wasn't going to try to cycle the tank with angelfish. Maybe i will try the fishless cycle, since you didn't have a bad algae problem.


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