Kinda Odd


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
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Birmingham, AL
As alot of you know I recently purchased (6) 3 gallon Kritter Keeper's for my office to house the boys I *did* have in 1 gallon Aquaviews.

Well, all has been well in KK land until yesterday :/ . All 5 (I have one that doesn't have a fish in it so far) have the same amount of water, plants, fish, water, water conditioner, heater, ect....they are all identical (except for different color fiish and types of silk plants).

All 5 fish have been doing great, they all get their water changed on the same day (Friday's) and the same amount of Stress Coat is used (I love that new measuring cup lid!) Monday when I got to work everyone was fine, ate, ect. yesterday when I got to work my Red Dragon, Bao, is lying on the bottom gasping heavily...I'm like WTF. So I decided that if he wasn't better by the time I left, that during my 2 hr break between classes at college I would go buy some meds and come back to work and dose him up.....

Well he didn't make it that long. 30 minutes after I saw him like that...he was dead :blink: .

Now, I can't figure out is exactly what happened to this fish. All 5 are in the exact same conditions, same water quality, same feeding schedule, same amount of food, same temp, ect. It just doesn't make sense.

First I thought maybe the cleaning people might have sprayed something..but this one is right smack in the middle if it was would have gotten in all of the I'm stumped...

To make this even more only VT (that came from Walmart back in July) is now exhibiting the same symptoms..but he's across the room in the divided tank (or he was I just moved him in case he's contagious).

...any suggestions?
Hmmm, that's mysterious. My first thought was the cleaning crew or possibly a malicious co-worker ( not exactly malicious but you know how people are "Oh look, I think he wants a sip of my coffee" or something retarded like that)

Could it be that he was the coldest in the middle? (If it's cool in there and they're running the heat maybe it warmed the outside containers, although thats unlikely)
It couldn't be that you forgot to dechlorinate that container, since you did it days ago, he'd of been long dead. I just don't know.
I dunno...all the tanks have floating thermometers (those cheap glass ones from WM) and they all read 78 degrees. I had bought the heaters a few weeks ago when the temp started dropping because they were mighty chilly when I came into the office in the AM.

Maybe that's what did it...he got cold and he was sick and I just didn't notice until now. But I remember him swimming around and eatingf ine until just BAM all of a sudden he's resting on the bottom gasping heavily.

I have a feeling Dok will be dead by tommorrow. He's just floating at the top, head turned up, not moving a fin. Sometimes he will just sink slowly down to the bottom, then he will swim (not struggling though) back to the top and remain motionless again.

He's gonna be out of luck too...I have no breaks between classes today and by the time I get out of class..all teh stores with any meds will be long closed. Really sucks too..he's a pretty fish..and quite personable too.

I may not be far behind him if I don't find some time to go to the DR myself lol...I have been coughing for about 3 months now, and ...ok well I won't tell you that part cas it's gross.. but let's just say my lungs are full of fluid and my lung capacity has been greatly I get SO winded making the treck to the 3rd floor at school...I feel like a smoker lol. And I know I must annoy the living dickets out of everyone in class with my constatn hacking lol.
I dunno, what medication would you use in a case like this?

A friend of mine has a ton of bettas and she usually keeps her apartment pretty freakin' chilly and her fish flourish. It got cold here this week, just a few degrees cooler and 80% of her fish dropped like flies,even a brand new one she picked up at the auction, that's what made me think maybe it was temperature. But I'm not sure. It's like theres a fine line of what they can tolerate, and what they can't.

But, in your case, why just the one?

I know I've pondered on that before. I've had one fish in a grow out with hundreds turn up ill, why just the one?
Same thing happened with me. I had a divided 10 gallon 4 compartments and then 1 fish decided he was stressed and started biting his tail so I removed him into his previous home and treated him with Betta fix and he seemed to be doing well. Then later that week I came upstairs into my room to put away my clothes and there was one of the 3 left in the 10 gallon dead and he'd been fine that morning and then the next morning the tail biter was dead. The other 2 fish in that tank are perfectly fine and are still in it and I put in a female inbetween them and the boys seem to love that. It sucks when they die and is even worse when there is no warning.
Just because I'm curious how much was the 6 3G kritter keepers with tax?
I would love to have more boys, but you know, all thats binding me is tanks and $$$$
I dont' mind at all wasn't to shabby IMHO if i do say so myself. At my LPS they are $12 each for teh size I bought.

6 x Lee's Herp Haven Rect Medium (20086) = $29.94
Sub-Total: $29.94
United Parcel Service (2 x 9.9lbs) (Ground): $15.58
Total: $45.52
I think the cleaning crew theory is the most probable explanation, but that's just because that's the only thing that has ever caused my fish to die in such a rapid fashion. When I was gone for the weekend nearly 6 months ago our cleaning lady sprayed glass cleaner on my desk too near to my fish... two died, but one that was only a foot away from them was perfectly fine. They both died in full colour, but their gills looked a little red and swollen.
Well I would be more ready to accept that, except our "cleaning" crew does little more then take out the trash and "occassionally" mop the floor. They don't touch my desk (as I have asked that they don't..because they moved some important paperwork once and almost got me fired...because I couldn't find it for a presentation the next day *oye*).

I would also be more ready to accept that idea if a fish on the other side of the room, with a solid lid (bao, on my desk, was in the KK which has a vented lid), in the middle of my divided tank...hadn't also just died in the same manner. Yeah, Dok was dead when I came in this morning..I knew he would be..he was not well yesterday at all.

I dunno, they were both in full color...well Dok wasn't quite as dark and he usually was but he wasn't washed out pale either though..his fins are still purple but his body is white.

This is so confusing. :sad:

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