Kinda neat..

Bolt your doors and lock your windows, the bettas are coming! :eek:

That's a pretty cool experiment. I knew bettas were smart, but controlling robots?!?! Be afraid, be very afraid.........
it was weird, i was reading this thread and as i was i noticed my female plakat was giving me a very,very evil look :unsure:

i am at your service Queen Betta :look:

seal you windows and doors and let the bath over flow until you have the whole house under six inches of water and then they can go were they want........were is the Betta honey down stairs watching TV no sorry he is on tff posting to see if their is a cure for us........ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
wuvmybetta said:
I think it's really cool myself. It makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one crazy enough to dream up a contraption in order to see bettas outside of the constriction of the bowl :lol: . My craziest idea was little betta space suits/balls (kinda like a hamster ball?) which would allow the fish to have free roam of the house in a hovering mode of some sort. Of course daily water changes would still be essential but I think that would be so cool :*)
actually that doesnt seem too far out of reach. Oc course i dont know if he'd be able to move it.
The following site talks about successes in attempts by people to train their bettas to do tricks.

With better knowledge about betta behaviour, as well as the right technology and training methodology used to unleash the potential of bettas, perhaps this intelligent fish can play a bigger and more significant role in the world we live.

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