kind of tagged off of my Hospital tanks thread... pretreating feeder fish before they go into your predator fish tanks

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Curious of what any of you long term predatory fish owners use in the holding tanks for your feeders to kill anything that might be in or on the feeder fish, so as not to introduce that into your predator tank???
bumping this, as no comments... I don't personally like just adding feeder fish to my tanks... feeders are by nature cheap, housed in large groups, no one cares if they die, & often riddled with stuff I don't like in my tanks...

so... I just bought 4 -10 gallon tanks I'll be setting them up them up in 2's, one set for quarantine / hospital tanks, one set for a feeder holding tank, & an extra right now... I'm still leaning towards dosing a "cure all" in the holding tank, to put the feeders in, before exposing the predators to them... any suggestions for a good "cure all"???
My homemade cough syrup cures cancer, neurological disease, athlete's foot, heart failure and Covid. If you believe that, you can buy a 'cure all'. There is no such thing, and nothing that even comes close. Melafix smells very nice so it's close to cough syrup, so they'll sell you that. It's for you to feel you've done something, not for your fish.
There are remedy sellers lined up to liberate you from the burden of your money, but.

Predatory fish in tanks tend to have short lives, because every store bought feeder is a booby trap. Eventually, one goes off and everything dies. They are expendable, mistreated and usually diseased. I see a lot of columnaris/flavibacter in feeder tanks, as well as the incurable, untreatable, survives even bleach fish tb.

When my curiosity about a weird fish, like my old pike gouramis sucks me into keeping predators, feeders have always been the real killers. I simply will not keep fish predators again because of them. You can't breed food fast enough without huge tanks, and if you buy, you buy deadly diseases.
Back 20 years ago, I had a 55 gallon tank filled with Molly’s to try to raise enough babies to keep a couple large sea horses alive… must have been at least 25 adult Molly’s in the 55, yet I couldn’t keep 2 - 4 inch sea horses fed

20 ish years ago, I had an application in to an outdoor equipment seller, that had 6 huge wall sized aquariums for game fish… of course they also sold bait, and fed their aquarium fish the same bait they sold… they had problems, as parasites and bacteria/ fungus was running rampant in their big display tanks… you just can keep pumping bad stuff into a confined environment, without it having an effect

At least if I had a basic “cool aid” in the holding tank I could cut down on some of it… maybe I’m looking at it the wrong way, and a big filter with UV on my holding tank maybe is a better way to go???

Right now I’m buying the cheapest Platy’s from the best reputable retailer, so I’m buying $5.00 a piece feeder Fish…

If I ever get my Tilapia breeding going, as soon as I can sex fingerings, I intended to feed the females… but that’s not getting off to a good start

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