Kind Of Rescaping

Looking good :good: .
Anubias would look nice infront of that right side piece of wood, java fern could too but when it gets huge might take focus off the left side?
What about the large leaf anubias with some smaller ones around it? :lol:

I would love to have the large leaf Anubias you put up, but I just can't find it! I tihnk we're pretty limited to plants here, which sucks :(
I was thinking maybe the Anubias Nana on the wood on the right hand side, and java fern around it. Considering Java Fern take soooo long to grow, I figure I've got a while before I have to re think my scape :p

I was also thinking of getting 2 of the Ceratopteris Siliquosa and putting them on the right hand side where the large sword is. Move the sword to in front of the H. Stricta.

Too many options. I'm hopeless haha.
The sword like plant looks like anubias coffeefolia... The anubias pictured earlier is A. barteri, nana is just a variety of it.
The sword like plant looks like anubias coffeefolia... The anubias pictured earlier is A. barteri, nana is just a variety of it.

Should it be attached to a rock or wood then? It's sprouted a new leaf since I've planted it :/
IMO it's not anubias coffeefolia but couldn't tell you what it is though :fun:
Tried a little research for you and could it be anubias heterophylla?

Aint we a lovely bunch of noobies :shout:
IMO it's not anubias coffeefolia but couldn't tell you what it is though :fun:
Tried a little research for you and could it be anubias heterophylla?

Aint we a lovely bunch of noobies :shout:

I hate to ask, but can you pull it up so we may have a look at the roots once again?
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates! I've been super busy and super broke!
I got a pic of that plant for you. I uprooted it to find it had grown heaps! New leaves :)
I haven't organised any more plants as of yet. I'm waiting for the supplier to get some more Java Fern, and like I said, I've been pretty broke haha.

But other then that, the tank is going well, some tannins have come out of the wood, but I'm going to add some carbon probably tomorrow.
The Java Fern seems to have stopped dying, some leaves are coming back and looking really crisp and green. Maybe they got stressed from moving them around to different bits of wood etc?
The only thing that isn't going along as greatly is the Java Moss. It doesn't seem to be attaching to the wood. Does this usually take a long time??

Anyway, here's the pic :) Thanks for your patience!
No worries, just wanted to be sure nothing horrible happened. The plant does appear to be an anubias of some sort. Java moss is very slow to take off sometimes.
No worries, just wanted to be sure nothing horrible happened. The plant does appear to be an anubias of some sort. Java moss is very slow to take off sometimes.

Aww really? It seems to be going so well in the ground. The roots had actually started attaching to the sand. #29###.
No worries, just wanted to be sure nothing horrible happened. The plant does appear to be an anubias of some sort. Java moss is very slow to take off sometimes.

Aww really? It seems to be going so well in the ground. The roots had actually started attaching to the sand. #29###.

Just pull it up so the rhizome isn't buried, that's the most important thing.
No worries :) Thanks for that.

Did a water change today. Here's some pics of what the thank is looking like at the moment. The kribs have absolutely destroyed the pebble pile, they have been digging everything out.
Lots of growth on the Hygrophilias. The bit that broke off weeks ago and I replanted has sprouted new leaves :) Im pretty proud of myself haha.



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