Kind Of Rescaping


Sep 21, 2011
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Hey guys,

So I've been searching for a particular shaped piece of driftwood for months and months.

The good news is, I FOUND IT! And it didn't cost me an arm and a leg.

The bad news is..well, there isn't really any bad news :D

So now I finally get to rescape a bit! I've been doing bits and pieces along the way; adding Vallis, Java fern, Windelov here and there etc. But now I can really work around this piece of wood :)

Here's a picture of what my tank looks like at the moment. It's not the best quality, reflection is bad, sorry.


And here is the wood. (I'm letting it soak in fresh water for a couple of days, to get any cr*p off it, and maybe some tannins out)


(I'm also planning to get some Java Moss onto this beast :))

If anyone has any suggestions on scaping, or plants that are relatively budget, and easy to look after (no CO2) that would be great!
Thats a nice peice of wood. What are the plants at the back wich go to the top and some are on top thanks
Cryptocrynes and Anubias are two easy to keep plants. Crypts are planted in the substrate, Anubias are attached to rocks or driftwood. Don't plant Anubias, they will rot and die.
Thats a nice peice of wood. What are the plants at the back wich go to the top and some are on top thanks

Thanks. I thought it had a bit of character :) The plants at the back are Vallis, the straight kind. You can also get corkscrew Vallis.

Cryptocrynes and Anubias are two easy to keep plants. Crypts are planted in the substrate, Anubias are attached to rocks or driftwood. Don't plant Anubias, they will rot and die.

Thanks for that! Are there any 'red' varieties that I could keep? I have a fake red plant in the tank at the moment, and it just gives such a nice colour contrast, so I'd like to do something similar with real plants haha.
The water in the tub is a bit yellow today :D

The more tannins I can get out now, the better!
Crypt wendetti red. I probably spelled that wrong. Red plants are generally a lot harder to keep, but the crypt is the exception.
Crypt wendetti red. I probably spelled that wrong. Red plants are generally a lot harder to keep, but the crypt is the exception.

Wow, that is insanely convenient! I was just looking at some plants today online, and I really liked the Crypt "Wendtii". Stoked to find out they also come in red!

Do you know anything about Hygrophilia Corymbosa? This was one of the taller plants that I really liked the look of.
Does anyone know anything about Alternanthera sessilis, Violet?
Okay so I think I'm starting to regret my choice of wood. I'm thinking maybe it's too big :crazy:
Someone reassure me!! haha.
How big is it in comparison to the pieces already in there?
How big is it in comparison to the pieces already in there?
The wood that is on the left hand side, it will take up that amount of space, and then, that amount of space again on top. (As you can see there are 2 branches that stem out)

Hope that made sense :S
Okay so I'm thinking I want to trim the wood down.
Something like this. (red section will be cut off)

That way it isn't as bulky, and I can position it how I want, and hold it up with some large pebbles if need be.

I also ordered some plants yesterday;
2x Java Moss
2x Crypt Wendtii
2x Hygrophilia Stricta

I know it's not alot, but it's just something to get me started. Hopefully should be here by Friday.
That cut would make it sit at the perfect angle, imo. Sorry to get back to you late but any hygro is an easy to keep plant. The other one not so much in my experience.
That cut would make it sit at the perfect angle, imo. Sorry to get back to you late but any hygro is an easy to keep plant. The other one not so much in my experience.

No problem mate.

Thats what I was thinking, it would sit perfectly! the bottom of it is at a bit of a weird cut, which is going to make it difficult to position. So now I'm going to have to take it out of the tub, dry it out, then cut it.

I did some research on the other plant, apparantly it's not a true aquatic plant and can only survive a couple of weeks at most when fully submerged. So that one is out!

Hopefully these plants that I've ordered will do well :)

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