Kin Typical

yeh i hear vista pro/elite is fine. but why should you have to pay that price, just to get an OS that works. home or home premium, are utter dross. about as stable as jelly on a surf board. business is not avoiding Vista, because of cost. the are not buying it in droves, because it cant stand up with no load, never mind whilst having to do something.
this is not to say, it cant work. i make it work, but i have not had to use this much effort, trying to keep a computer running, since the mid 90's!

as i said DROSS on a stick, and at a ludicrous price too.
whats supposed to be wrong with Premiun? ive had this Laptop since last Feb and havent had any problems (Except the "M" button doesnt press sometimes but thats another story)

is it definatly you? the dinky stig on mine hasnt been online since 22/12 and still hasnt accepted?? ive just sent another one to see what happens
whats supposed to be wrong with Premiun? ive had this Laptop since last Feb and havent had any problems (Except the "M" button doesnt press sometimes but thats another story)


i guess its down to how you use and what you expect from a computer. it falls over, indeed can hardly stand up. device conflicts, often, cause the blue screen. but the screen never appears, just a note from vista its had a critical error. logitech quick cam, listed and signed, by microsoft, causes a critical collapse, far too often. graphic calls, conflict, causing halts and "program not responding" errors. programs "bump" into each other ( memory and hard drive calls) the list is endless, and only scratched, by me. and i bet i have got nowhere near the problems that keep the entire business world, from buying the dross.

ignoring the fact a computer you are logged on to as an administrator, repeatedly asks you fir permission do do the thing you, as administrator, told it to do.

as an os its ok, if you are an expert, or dont use your computer in earnest. but it is ridiculously expensive, and no, real, benefit to the user. just paying for Bill Gates last Microsoft jet really.
damn you are an angry guy Bobo...

far too much info in there for me haha, it does what its told for me so i like it..

lol, i just hate being cheated! and Microsoft are, above all, con merchants. the guy even stole the first os he sold!
net scape and bill gates :shifty:

lol, no, it was DOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they "lifted" DOS (Dirty Operating System, to give it its true name) from a university peer, and sold it to IBM as theirs! its one of the reasons, windows, et al, are such a problem to run and develop. its based on a core, that was, inherently, unstable.
I use firefox, and i'm still running windows XP. I'm also an on and off user of Ubuntu Linux which imo eats the pants off Vista without even trying. It can do all the eye candy, and still be 100% stable, and it's completely free with some excellent native applications too, blender, gimp, and enough audio and video editors to give adobe a run for their money.
I'm still using XP (which I must admit has been my favorite OS in the last 10 years). Vista is ok and most of the stability issues are now sorted but I just dont like it (for the same reasons listed above, its too intrusive. I dont like my OS popping up every 30 seconds to ask if its ok for something to happen).

I must admit I love my xbox 360. It has a great selection of games and despite the fact that the early models had problems with dying (this is fixed now) I think its a great console. The PS3 is good as well but I just dont think has the same software development support as the xbox at the moment (I can only think of a couple of games I would want for the PS3 but there are loads on the xbox).

For browser I use is firefox all the way. Safari has even worse security flaws then internet explorer, chrome just didnt feel right and I havent really been bothered to play with any others for awhile.

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