

Oct 10, 2005
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Liverpool, UK
Hi everyone!

I have noticed that BigC tends to be the man in the know about killifish but if anyone else can respond to me that would be great!

I was thinking about getting some killifish so have been trying to research them. I now know that they don't live very long as their natural habitats dry out so they lay eggs for the species to survive. I have also read that there are annual fish and non annual fish. What I'd like to know is how long do non annual fish tend to live and how long do annual fish tend to live (just a year as in the name????).

Can they go in with other fish or are they best kept separate. I know that if I was to get them to not mix different species of killi's. I know that any fry can be eaten by larger fry or the parents.

Where is it best to purchase any of these fish? I have saw eggs for sale on ebay and other websites but is it best to try and get live fish rather than eggs?

I'd prefer a species that would last a while and not die after a few months and one that is pretty colourful! :nod: Anyone got any suggestions? I've been looking at for research so far.

If anyone has anything else to add it would be much appreciated!

Thanks! :)
i'm getting a pair of fp gardeni myself
they are quite costly at 14$ a pair but i have researched them and many keepers tend to say they breed easily and it is quite easy to get a strian going as some fry should survive in the tank.
i'm getting a pair of fp gardeni myself
they are quite costly at 14$ a pair but i have researched them and many keepers tend to say they breed easily and it is quite easy to get a strian going as some fry should survive in the tank.

I got a trio for $12 (male, 2 females). They haven't spawned but are hardy and colorful. That's all I can say because I'm pretty inexperienced with these fish :lol:

It's a misconception to think of killifish as instricially short lived. The annual ones obviously are, but there are many that live two or more years. Temperate zone killis, like the plains killifish common in the US, lives for around 2 years in the wild, maybe a bit longer in captivity. Asian killifish, like Aplocheilus lineatus, can last about four years, and I'd expect the American-flag fish, Jordanella floridae, to live something like 2-3 years or so if kept properly. As far as I know, all the marine species of killi (like the sheepshead minnow) live for more than one year.

In other words, they aren't very different to things like guppies or platies, and about average for small fish.



By the way, if you're in the US, obtaining coldwater/native killis is pretty easy... either catch them yourself or order them from biological suppliers, such as Sachs.

I was thinking about getting some killifish so have been trying to research them. I now know that they don't live very long as their natural habitats dry out so they lay eggs for the species to survive. I have also read that there are annual fish and non annual fish. What I'd like to know is how long do non annual fish tend to live and how long do annual fish tend to live (just a year as in the name????).

I'd prefer a species that would last a while and not die after a few months and one that is pretty colourful!
I'm actually in the UK (liverpool) I've been speaking with BigC and I think I'm going to look into getting Fundulopanchax gardneri Misaje but I'm going to do loads more research on them first :)

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