

Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all

what size tank does a pair or 3 killies need??

also what substrate, decorations an lightin do they need??

I'm pretty sure most can go in a 10 gallon and typical lighting but better quality of water than average. I can't recall on substrate but I don't think it matters too much for them.
what species of killie are you asking about,
as there are hundreds to choose from?
Wolf is right, we need to know the species that you are dealing with. But knowing that you approached me regarding obtaining some Aphyosemion australe (chocolate), I will give you the guidelines that I would use for that particular species or any other killi species between two and three inches. If you only intend to breed a trio in the short term (putting a male in with 2 well conditioned females) then a tank size of 16"x8"x8" will suffice. If you intend on keeping them in a permanent set up then I would give them more room and go for a 18"x10"x10". Both these setups should contain no substrate and have floating and sunken synthetic yarn spawing mops. A small air driven sponge filter is beneficial and a tight fitting cover glass is essential. (This species likes to jump).
A last point to note is, the key to breeding killifish (or any fish species) sucessfully is water conditions. Keeping them is one thing, breeding them with sucess is entirely different.
No expert, abstract.
Just years of experience. I have had many many failures during my time in the hobby. You are always learning.
BigC said:
No expert, abstract.
Just years of experience. I have had many many failures during my time in the hobby. You are always learning.

Protest all you like :p
you will still be reguarded as a killie expert here,
as I am a danio one, even though I don't think I'm
qualified for that title ;)
well, yes. i got that. :p i just wasn't sure if that was you, someone you know, a third-cousin twice removed, someone you really admire or if you just think that name looks nifty.
Like has already been said it depends on which type. I keep several different types in 5 gallon tanks. It is often 1 male and 2 or 3 females per tank for my Nothobranchius and Aphosemions. On my Fundulpanchax I usually only keep a pair, but it all depends on the size of the fish. While my discus tanks are draining and refilling I have some down time so I normally change about 30% of the killi water daily. I don't that they need it that often but I have nothing else to do.......LOL


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