Killifish Or Angelfish


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Mar 27, 2013
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Im stuck between angelfish and killifish. I have a 36 gallon with 16 tetras and a rainbow shark. (I know, I know the rainbow shark needs a 55 gallon minimum. Hes only 3" and later ill get a bigger tank. Which is best for my tank and how many should I get?
36 is pushing it for angelfish.. id go with the killifish if i were you. Plus if you get a bigger tak later, dependin on the size you may be able to get angels then
Ive seen people say that 1 angelfish per 15 gallons. Is this true? Or do they need more?
What type of tetras do you have? If they're Neons they'll eventually become food for an Angel, and if they're nippy ones they could nip the angel.
Probably best to go with killifish, as Angels will need a minimum of 100x40x50cm tank size, and lots of plants.
I have 12 neons and 4 black phantom tetras. Just recently i bought 10 to add to 5 i already had. The 10 i bought were not nearly as big as my 5 i already had. (My first 5 neons are about 1.75") Because of thier small size they were sucked into my filter and they died. :(
If you have 12 neons in your tank, then definitely don't get an angel. In the wild, neons are a main food source for angel fish - so in the home aquarium they wll eat them very quickly.
I have 5 angels and I made this mistake myself - finding half eaten corpses around the tank for days isn't a pretty sight!
Angels will not necessarily eat Neons, many people keep them fine together as long as the Angels are kept with them from a young age. Don't forget that many Killifish are a predatory fish and if they have the chance they will hunt any fish small enough to eat. You would have to be careful about which species you choose, different Killi's also prefer different water conditions.
The ones at my local petco are relatively small. Thier bodies are only a little bigger than a quarter. And it seems as though my neons have been exposed to a nuclear plant. They are about 2" big. So if the angels are small and the neons are big, will they grow as friends?

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