My wee display tank is comming along slowly.
I've changed the wood. I also need a few more plants (cryptocorne wendtii green)
and maybe a small carpet type of plant. I have also got some Amazon Frogbit on the surface which, if it takes off, will subdue the lighting somewhat.
Cant wait until that ugly heater gets covered.
I still haven't got the CO2 set up yet so that little number is also in the pipeline.
I think I'll be putting some Ps. annulatus and Corydoras habrosus in there.
Corries are only there to mop up any left over livefoods.
I've changed the wood. I also need a few more plants (cryptocorne wendtii green)
and maybe a small carpet type of plant. I have also got some Amazon Frogbit on the surface which, if it takes off, will subdue the lighting somewhat.
Cant wait until that ugly heater gets covered.
I still haven't got the CO2 set up yet so that little number is also in the pipeline.
I think I'll be putting some Ps. annulatus and Corydoras habrosus in there.
Corries are only there to mop up any left over livefoods.