Thanks for your input Stewartb.
Does anyone else see anything wrong with my present stocking. I had a bit of trouble placing the Fundulopanchax into their permanent homes. The Lafia female jumped out of her drip acclimation home, a 1 gallon container, but I found her a half hour later and placed her back into the tank. With that result in mind I put my drip acclimation bucket, about a gallon in volume, into a water change bucket with a half inch of water around the base of the drip bucket. By the time the acclimation bucket was about half full, the fish were both in the water change bucket and had jumped out of the acclimation bucket. Is this typical of Fundulopanchax? I simply put both fish into my tank and0 ignored their tendency to jump. Can I expect this to continue when they have a good home to use?